Another question. Is it unreasonable, when at Fatasyland, to expect guys to ask before they touch or invade our personal space? Is it unreasonable to hope that guys will let us sit down, relax for at least 15 minutes, after we get there, instead of following us from the parking lot or lobby and even before we sit down, start asking us if we want to play? Is it too much to ask, that a guy sit down and talk to us for a little bit, before asking to play? Is it really hard to understand, if we don’t...  more
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We still are having fun at Fantsyland, she played with 4 guys Thursday night. It is just hit and miss. Some nights are good. Some nights guys act (three Thursday night, she could have had 7, but because of bad behavior, three she actually wanted to play with loss out) their way out of playing and some nights they act like she doesn’t exist.